Austerity Measures

So now that we’ve bailed out the rich after they gambled our money away, it’s the poor who should suffer for their sins?
They want to take away unemployment benefits and keep the Bush tax cuts for the rich.
“Austerity measures” only effect poor people.
Who are the people that really need social security or medicare: rich people or poor people?
Whenever people talk about “austerity measures” in reality they mean screw the poor.

Say what you REALLY mean Republicans!

And YOU Democrats, have a little backbone!

If this whole thing about forcing the Republicans to vote against the Obama tax cuts (and not extending tax cuts for the rich) falls through, you do realize that you will be in the doghouse? This kind of half-assed “bipartisan”-minded bullshit could cost you the 2012 elections if you’re not careful.

Do you know what the Republicans think bipartisanship is? Concessions by democrats. It is never the other way around.

You speak with your actions. If you are willing to give in to the Republicans on an issue that has overwhelming public support, you will not be looked upon kindly the next time the votes are counted.

We KNOW the Republicans are only about politics. They say so themselves. They could care less about how well this country does.

Senator Mitch McConnell: “The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.”

You can’t be much clearer than that.

~ by deviant24x on November 20, 2010.

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